Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Auto Sears / Sekor SX 55mm 1:1.4

IQ: 8/10
Build: 9.5/10
Overall Rating: 8.5/10

Focal length: 55mm
Aperture: 1.4 min - 16 max
Mount: M42 screw type

This is a Sears branded Mamiya / Sekor normal lens. The first thing I noticed when I received this in the mail was that it is fairly heavy - a testament of its build quality. The barrel is all metal and the glass appears to be thick and heavy.

There are two things that need to be noted about this lens' mount:
  •  The SX version that I have has a small pin (pictured below) at the back of the aperture control ring that locks the aperture ring when tightened on to the body. This is not a big problem however because being a M42 screw mount, a slight unscrewing of the lens frees the aperture ring and it can be rotated and tightened back. It's just a bit of a hassle but that's pretty much it.Otherwise you can opt for modifying your lens.

  • There is no auto / manual switch on this lens. This means that the auto / manual pin found at the back of these M42 lenses needs to be engaged manually using any type of intervention you choose. This is personally not an issue for me as I opt to shoot with this lens wide open.
What I like about this lens is its color reproduction. In my personal opinion it produces colors that 'pop' producing vivid / saturated images (edit: this user of Mamiya/Sekor SX agrees). I found it to produce nice yellows, reds and blues (see test images below).
I also love the bokeh created by this lens. It is smooth and creamy while the area in focus is quite sharp even wide open - and at f1.4 that's a lot of bokeh!

As always the Tomioka controversy continues regarding Mamiya lenses. No one knows for sure whether Mamiya ever got their lenses made by Tomioka or not. And if they did, which ones are they. The only Tomioka indicator on this lens are the 'clockwise aperture blades'. Perhaps the image quality can be attributed to Tomioka optics or design.

Test images:
Auto Sears/Sekor SX 55mm f1.4 @f1.4
Temp adjusted to 7400
Exposure +0.05

Auto Sears/Sekor SX 55mm f1.4 @f1.4

Auto Sears/Sekor SX 55mm f1.4 @f1.4

Friday, 16 September 2011

Auto Sears MC 28mm 1:2.8

IQ: 7/10
Build: 8/10
Overall Rating: 7/10

Focal length: 28mm
Aperture: 2.8 min - 16 max
Filter size: 52mm
Mount: PK

As much as I have tried to look for information about this lens' manufacturer around the web, there is little to be found. The general consensus appears to be that it is very hard to determine the origins based on serial number so if anyone solves that puzzle, please post a reply. There are some Sears 28mm lenses that are thought to be of Tomioka origin and are considered to be of exceptionally high quality.

Ignoring the company of origin for the moment, the lens has a very sturdy build and a very solid feel to it.
The focus ring 'glides' around the barrel though it is not quite as damped as the Taks or the Flektogon but is a pleasure to use being different. The aperture clicks through full stops.
The image quality is fairly good. Colors are neutral and results moderately sharp wide open.

Test shot:
Sears 28mm f2.8 @f2.8
Temp adjusted to 5300
Exposure +0.10

Sears 28mm f2.8 @f2.8
Temp adjusted to 6700
Exposure +0.20


So welcome... I will assume you all are familiar with cameras which have sensors in front of which are a few pieces of glass and behind it looking through a small window hunting my prey stand I. I have GAS a.k.a gear acquisition syndrome.
I believe this provides a sufficient definition to those that might be interested.